Discomfort Index or Temperature - Humidity Index T.H.I. Being that people feel warmer in high-humidity areas, this formula is important to determining how comfortable people are in relation to temperature and relative humidity. It is based on Wet Bulb and Dry Bulb findings from a psychrometer. Here is the formula: THI = 0.4 (dbt + wbt) + 15 where dbt = dry bulb temp. wbt = wet bulb temp. So if the dry bulb temperature was 82, and the wet bulb temperature was 75, the THI would be 78. FINDINGS: Below 70 - Most people will feel fine. 75 - About half the people will feel uncomfortable. Above 80 - Nearly everyone will feel uncomfortable. There have been some earlier variations of the T.H.I. dating way back to 1923 and was created by the Society of Air Conditioning Engineers. This current version was created in 1958.